10/08/ · For my IOC commentary I have been given the extract from Act 1 scene 5 from the play Romeo and Juliet. This is one of the most famous and important scenes in this play as Romeo and Juliet is not as developed as this and although Romeo has the weakness of being tempestuous, there are also external influences. Act 1 Scene 5 is dramatically significant There are many themes in this play but in Act 1 Scene 5 the two key themes are Love and Hate. The love shared by the youngest of each house hold and the hate shared throughout the two
Romeo And Juliet Act 1 Scene 5 Example Free Essay Example
Many people can relate to the play as it still covers popular issues in modern society such as young love and violence between different groups of people. Romeo and Juliet is not as developed as this and although Romeo has the weakness of being tempestuous, there are also external influences. Act 1 Scene 5 is dramatically significant because it is a fast moving scene. The servants are rushing around and trying to get everything ready for the ball. The scene is domestic and shows that the ball is important because it shows family unity. A ball has not happened for a long time in the family so they are trying to make sure everything is perfect. The play was written at the time of patriarchal society, where men had all the power. Lord Capulet holds the ball to show his own wealth and authority as well as to show that he is a generous person.
This links to the fact that marriages were arranged at that time and is another reason for Lord Capulet to hold the ball. The scene is also significant because it ends the exposition. By the end of the scene the audience knows who all the characters are and how their relationships are linked. This affects the rest of the play and after this scene, the conflict can begin because the audience are prepared and understand who each character is, romeo and juliet act 1 scene 5 essay. The themes are also highlighted in this scene and that is another reason why Act 1 Scene 5 is dramatically significant.
Love and passion is one of the main themes. The play is very violent, but the love between Romeo and Juliet contrasts with this, and when the characters are together the scene becomes peaceful and calm. Romeo talks about Juliet as a beautiful person and says. Not only does this show his instant love and attraction towards her, it also links to the imagery of light and darkness. and dark. This contrast is used a lot in the scene and Romeo uses similes to describe Juliet, for example. These similes make what Romeo is saying seem romantic and make the scene rich with imagery, romeo and juliet act 1 scene 5 essay.
This is important because when the play would first have been preformed, there were no female actors. A boy would have played the part of Juliet, so it was important for the language used in the play to show her as very beautiful because it would not have been obvious to the audience. This part of the scene also links to religion. Also Romeo and juliet act 1 scene 5 essay compares praying to kissing and says that you can pray with your lips as well as your hands. Religion was very important to people in those times and this is reflected in Romeo using this fact to show Juliet how important he thinks it is to kiss her.
The scene also highlights the theme of fate. They believed that the stars and planets affected how people behaved and what would happen in their lives. Juliet says. suggests that the pair are doomed from the beginning and later in the play we see that both the Prologue and Juliet were right. Fate also links to the family feud because the families have been against each other for hundreds of years, long before Romeo and Juliet were born. So therefore their romance was destined to be difficult and go wrong. The family feud links to violence as well because the families are strong enemies and often fight. We see this earlier in the play in the street fight and also in Act 1 Scene 5. Romeo goes to the ball and Tybalt sees him. This makes him angry and he says. This shows that Tybalt feels no love towards the Montague family and would be quite happy to see Romeo die.
He is all set to get Romeo out of the ball but Lord Capulet goes against this and stops Tybalt because he does not want his ball to be ruined. This shows that his mood towards Tybalt has changed. For example he says. The scene ends in rhyming couplets and this is because at the time when this play would have first been preformed there would have been no curtains or lighting effects to show that the scene had ended. By using rhyming couplets, it let the audience know that the scene had finished. Overall Act 1 Scene 5 is dramatically significant for many reasons. It shows family unity and generosity as well as ending the exposition. The scene relates to the themes and shows the instant attraction between Romeo and Juliet from the romeo and juliet act 1 scene 5 essay they meet.
This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Discuss the Dramatic Significance of Act 1 Scene 5 in the Play Romeo and Juliet Essay. Accessed December 4, Explain How Shakespeare Creates Dramatic Tension In Act Three Scene Five Essay. In how far do the views of love presented in the play reflect 19 the attitude towards love the Elizabethan audience had? At the end of the play, who do you feel is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?
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5/12/ · Act 1 Scene 5 is set in the Capulet Household during a masker’s ball and in the beginning of this scene Capulet is encouraging his guests to dance, and ordering his servants Act 1, scene 5 Summary In the great hall of the Capulets, all is a-bustle. The servants work feverishly to make sure all runs smoothly, and they set aside some food to make sure they Act 1 Scene 5- He asks a servant who this beautiful girl is (Juliet) and the servant answers with no. As he is saying this Tybalt, Romeos arch enemy hears his voice and recognises it. But
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