15/06/ · If I were the Principal of My School Essay The Principal of my school, Mrs. Mary is a highly learned lady and the school is making rapid progress in her principalship. I don’t 17/09/ · The principal is the head of a school or a college. His post is full of great responsibility. He has to run the school efficiently, supervise the staff and work as a role If I Were Principal of My School Essay. The fate of a school chiefly depends upon its principal He is responsible for the academic, moral, physical and cultural development of students. If I
Essay on Our School Principal For Students & Children
We are Sharing Essay on Our School Principal in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short Essay on Our School Principal for Classes 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 in, words. In a school, the Principal is the fulcrum around whom the whole administrative and essay on principal of a school system of the school revolves. The name of our school Principal is Mrs. She is a very smart middle-aged woman. She is an M. She is a great scholar of English. She also knows many other languages like Hindi, Tamil, Punjabi, Bengali, and even French. Thus, she is a great linguist. She has a pleasing personality. She wears spectacles but they by no means diminish the effect of charming smile that plays on her face.
She believes in persuasion rather than coercion. She praises a really hardworking and intelligent teacher or student and she gently and politely coaxes a shirker to mend his ways. Even when she has to scold in rare cases, her reprimands are always mild and evince clearly the affection and sincerity of purpose concealed in them. She herself is a model of punctuality and regularity. She is there in her chair at 8. sharp which is the time when school starts. She is always present in the assembly and at every function in the hall or a sports event on the ground or in the gymnasium.
She expects this punctuality and regularity from others also. She never misses any period and expects other teachers also not to miss any of their periods. She advises the students to attend every essay on principal of a school regularly and pay full attention to their teachers and give them due respect. Our school has made tremendous progress in the field of studies, essay on principal of a school, sports, and co-curricular activities during her principal-ship. Every teacher and student of our school praises her and loves her. She is also in the good books of the school managment.
May she live long! Paragraph on Our School Principal for kids Our School Principal composition Write a Short Essay on your Principal. Dear viewers, Hope you like this article Essay on Our School Principal in English and Please let us know by commenting below. Essay on A Rainy Day. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Save my name, essay on principal of a school, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
If I Were A Principal Of My School -- Essay Writing -- Learning Path --
, time: 7:11Essay on If I were the Principal of My School in English For Students

The principal is the most important person at school. His duties are numerous and difficult. High level of professionalism should be combined with deep understanding of psychology as well as If I Were Principal of My School Essay. The fate of a school chiefly depends upon its principal He is responsible for the academic, moral, physical and cultural development of students. If I School principals are among the most vital leaders in our society as they mold our children’s education. A principal holds a crucial role in the functionality of any school since it can
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