Sunday, December 4, 2022

Essay on play

Essay on play

essay on play

15/06/ · Children see play as fun. They do not engage in playful activities with the thought of learning social or mental skills, but play benefits these areas of development, as well as 28/01/ · Essay On Play Therapy Policy and procedure. Play is an integral part of every child's life and plays a major role in strengthening these three Axline's principles. Virginia M. Axline 15/06/ · Words. 9 Pages. Jun 15th, Published. Essay Sample. The benefits and acceptance of play in the early year’s classroom is not a universal attitude. Differing cultural,

Play And Child Development - Free Essay Example | StudyDriver

Don't use plagiarized sources. It is important to recognise that it is difficult to give a single definition of play Lillemyr, and that it is regarded as an all embracing term Bruce, which describes a diverse range of behaviours which see children interacting with each other Dunn, in order to make sense of, and to enhance their understanding of, the environments in which they find themselves Bruce, ; Wood, Play can be regarded as the means through which children are able to discover things about the world in order to amend their vision of it Oko,p.

Froebel cited in Bruce,p. Play also affords children the opportunity to discover the difference between fantasy and reality, safety and risk, order and anarchy and to grasp the concept of potential in themselves for the future Wood and Attfield, essay on play, The value and importance of play is the motivation behind recent developments with regard to Early Years education in the form of the Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS documentation Department for Education [DfE], essay on play The notion of child centred education is built upon the acknowledgement that every individual child is unique and is entitled to have their needs met through the careful design of activities which allow them to develop commensurate with their ability, as a result of encouraging positive relationships with all around them in order that learners become competent, self-confident and self-reliant people DfE, This stipulation is a direct result of the Rose Reportwhich highlighted the fact that curriculum provision should have explicit reference to the purposes of play and that essay on play activities designed to promote it should be meticulously planned, essay on play.

It is vital for practitioners to recognise that play is not essay on play form of break from the curriculum; it is an opportunity for children to essay on play their physical and cognitive abilities for the 21st century Moyles, and is an authentic means of implementing the school curriculum Action Alliance for Children, ; Moyles, The notion that play enables children to enhance the skills is put forward by Hugheswho contends that there are a large number up to 16 of different types of play, including movement and discovery which involves the exploration of the environment and the use of language endorsed by Ginsberg, ; Singer et al.

Other scholars such as Manning-Morton and Thorp and Burghardt emphasise the multipurpose nature of play in that children are able to use play as a means essay on play learning through practising skills for the future, tackling and solving problems, essay on play, as well as a means through which they develop their methods of communicating with those around them. Play provides opportunities for children to develop positive attitudes towards learning, essay on play, in that they are able to develop their interests, essay on play, be creative and experimental, to be critically thoughtful Trevlas et al, ; Hurvitz, as well as developing resilience and the ability to essay on play alongside others as a part of the educative process DCSF, The most important point about play is that it is active in nature.

Piaget believed that children were only able to essay on play a true understanding of knowledge as a result of this process of discovery, which enables them to be innovative and flexible as opposed to learning in a mechanistic way. These constructivist principles were shared by Vygotsky, although his emphasis was on social and collective learning as opposed to learning as an individual. It was his belief that interaction with others was a key element in enabling children to learn Buchan,Daly et al. This social aspect of learning is borne out by observations of children who imitate the actions of others without understanding, until such time as they are able to initiate actions for themselves [which is indicative of their level of comprehension] Vygotsky, He firmly believed that every interactive process in which learners engage, essay on play, irrespective of the environment in which it takes place, provides them with opportunities to develop their language and thinking skills Whitehead, Furthermore, Vygotsky commented that play was the best and most effective means of preschool development as it enabled children to develop their skills through interaction.

As highlighted above, the current provision as laid out within the EYFS DfE, documentation places the child at the centre of the learning process with a specific emphasis on play, which encourages the development of communication, language and literacy skills. There are three prime areas of learning communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development and four specific areas which supplement the prime areas literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. It is the responsibility of individual practitioners, and indeed settings in general, essay on play, to consider the individual needs and stage of development for each individual in their care.

Activities within classrooms must be planned to ensure essay on play of access for all, irrespective of their background or ability and they should be designed to engage learners in purposeful play which is both child initiated and adult led. The balance between these two types of play is of extreme importance. Children can learn by leading their own play and allowing their needs and interests to guide their activities. However, whilst responding to individual children in a positive and warm manner, it is critical that there is a gradual essay on play towards activities which are more adult led, in order to prepare them for more formal learning as they enter Year 1 DfE, Play should provide children with opportunities to explore and express their feelings, to develop relationships with others, to make decisions, choices and errors whilst being respected and valued as individuals; they need to be encouraged to develop self-discipline whilst retaining their ability to essay on play imaginative and creative in solving problems Bruce, cited in Early Years Interboard Panel, essay on play, n.

Play is central to the development of children in their early years. It provides a platform through which children are able to learn about themselves and essay on play world around them through interacting with it. It allows children to have fun while they are learning, and to engage with those around them as a part of the process of learning, which not only deepens their knowledge base but also provides them with life skills such as the ability to communicate and work effectively with others. Play has been recognised as a central element within the education system which allows children to blossom through interacting with and learning from those around them.

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, time: 15:59

Essay on Importance of Play for Children and Students

essay on play

28/01/ · Essay On Play Therapy Policy and procedure. Play is an integral part of every child's life and plays a major role in strengthening these three Axline's principles. Virginia M. Axline 15/06/ · Words. 9 Pages. Jun 15th, Published. Essay Sample. The benefits and acceptance of play in the early year’s classroom is not a universal attitude. Differing cultural, 1/06/ · Ginsberg () makes the observation that all those involved with children’s development, learning and education must consider every factor which has the potential to

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Essay on play

Essay on play 15/06/ · Children see play as fun. They do not engage in playful activities with the thought of learning social or mental skil...

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